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About My Nutrition, Weight Lifting & Fitness Training Coach Journey

I started getting fitness and weight lifting back in my junior year of college (about 2018). Let me be honest, I knew absolutely nothing about lifting weights, strength training or how to do anything except run two miles on a treadmill and do crunches. People always say "gyms are a great place to people watch" and I found that to be incredibly true because I started watching how other people used weights, used trial and error for a few years and finally decided it was time to actually learn. 
I utilized social media and YouTube for a good base of my knowledge. I tried every diet under the sun and I really learned the basics of programming and piecing together whole effective workouts. In 2020, I studied and completed my certification for personal training and a year later completed my certification for nutrition coaching. 
Since the beginning of the pandemic, my focus on my own training and the training of my clients has grown exponentially to encompass not only the physical aspect of training, but also the emotional and mental aspect as well. In the last few months, I have continued to expand my knowledge into the realm of gut health, consciousness and thoughts, mental focus and health, along with much more. 
My passion is to empower all people to see they are worthy of the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health they desire. My goal is to show others their overwhelming capability to do anything they put their minds to. My mission is to inspire and help guide people through the health and fitness realm and become their favorite versions of themselves.

female working out in a gym
A Little Bit About Me: About
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