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Barbell Weights


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What do you bring to the health and fitness world that is unique to you?

Personally, I bring a passion for working out, helping others blossom and empowers people to see their true potential through weight lifting and fitness. I love to have fun in training sessions and show people how incredibly strong and capable they are to do anything they set their minds to.

What is your favorite part about weight lifting and fitness?

I absolutely love that health and fitness are completely unique to every single person. No ones fitness journey is the same, which makes it incredibly awesome to help people and watch them grow. Along with the individualistic nature of fitness, it is also never ending. A health and fitness journey follows people for the rest of their lives. I get to be a part of helping other people create healthy habits that they will continue with their whole lives.

Do you have any tips for beginners in the gym?

My number one tip for anyone just starting in the gym or their fitness journey has two parts. The first, is to get to know yourself, understand what type of exercise makes you feel the best, what types of foods nourish and fuel you, and what habits you have created in your life. Second, when you are in the gym do not be afraid to ask questions or to do things differently than other people. Everyone trains for a different reason, your training and habits will look different to others and that is okay.

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